The COM-B model is a framework that can help us to diagnose why an individual (or group) is engaging/not engaging in a given behaviour and provides the basis for designing successful behaviour-change interventions.
The COM-B shows us that for ANY behaviour to occur, an individual MUST have the necessary capability, opportunity, and motivation to engage in the behaviour.
CAPABILITY: "Can I do it?"
Does the person have the physical and psychological capability to engage in the behaviour?
This includes factors such as knowledge, memory and physical skills (e.g. does the farmer know how to detect mastitis in cattle?).
OPPORTUNITY: "Do I have an opportunity to do it?"
An iterative process followed, that involved carrying out additional interviews with vets and farmers, as well as desk-based research to help identify and define “gold-standard” and “usual” vet and farmer behaviours relating to the target factor.
MOTIVATION: "Do I want to do it?"
Are the person’s automatic (subconscious) and reflective (conscious) brain processes likely to energize their decision to engage in the behaviour?
These processes are affected by factors such as emotion, beliefs about the consequences, and confidence (e.g. beliefs about the consequences of over-use of antibiotics in livestock).